Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Reial Pirineus - as bad as the reviews? Help!

I%26#39;ve just been told that the Magic Pas has been over booked, and Thomson are now asking us to transfer to Reial Pirineus, but the reviews are dire!

Has anyone been recently, and does it have any redeeming features?

I%26#39;m thinking of possibly cancelling the holiday, or asking to be moved to a different resort in Andorra. I%26#39;m really disappointed as this was to be my first skiing holiday, I was really looking forward to it.


You and me both! No option other than to go but not at all happy about it and will put the holiday under great scrutiny with a view to a compensation claim.


I%26#39;m sorry to hear you%26#39;re in the same boat as us. We have been offered a small sum of compensation, but like you, if the accommodation is of an unreasonable standard I will be making a further claim.

I can%26#39;t believe the arrogance of tour operators, and to be told this is the only accommodation available in the whole of Andorra, it makes you wonder why!

It also has annoyed me that we paid £489 each for Magic Pas, and the difference in price on the web for the week beginning 12th March is £318 for Royal Pirineus. Its a total rip off.

We have accepted the change on the basis that we%26#39;ll be out as much as possible, and if its better than the reports then its a bonus. We are determined to have a great time!

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