Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Driving to Andorra

We are driving to Andorra from Barcelona in summer. What is the road like? Is it narrow and windy? Also we are travelling through to France from Andorra. What is the road like there? I have been trying to find information on the web but it is hard to find. We are from Australia where we drive on the other side of the road and am a bit anxious about driving on narrow, mountainous and windy roads.


We are just back from Les Angles which is in France about 40 Km from Andorra. We flew to Girona and went via Perpignan (A7 - N116). This is the easiest way, being just 2 roads and mininal windy roads. Stop at the Super-U in Prades for supplies. We came back the %26quot;other way%26quot; across the boarder at Bourg-Madame then the N152 towards Girona. The E9 direct to Barcelona includes a 3 mile tunnel.

From a map our return route looks by far the windiest.

Except for the villages where parked cars and piled snow (not a problem in the summer) restrict the road width even the narrowest pass is wide enough. I have no problems in a rented car driving on the %26quot;wrong%26quot; side of the road.


Thanks so much for your help.Your information was most encouraging. It sounds as though we should be right in summer.

Glad you had a good trip.


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