Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I cant wait another year, I want to go back now! :(

Hi, Ive just returned from Pas De La Casa and it was fantastic! Stayed at the Olimpiades which coudn%26#39;t have been any nearer to the slopes!. All I can say is go to this resort its great, I cant wait to go back! And all of you about to go- have fun! -I%26#39;m jealous :(


Hate to rub it in but I%26#39;m off on Sunday :-D We couldn%26#39;t get in at Olimpiades this year so we%26#39;re staying at Alaska Aparthotel. What were the snow conditions like when you were there? I was getting really worried until the big snow dump over the weekend!


hi wee angel u of to pas on sunday same here!!! i cant wait i was like a bit worried about lack of snow until last suday!!! are u going with a company or have u booked it all yur sel? which irport u flying from?


Hi, we%26#39;re flying into Gerona from Gatwick. Normally I fly into Tolouse but I think the transfers are about the same. We%26#39;re going package, mainly because my friend was wiped out on the first day last year and the tour operator was excellent re sorting out the insurance, trip back etc. Plus....I don%26#39;t think there%26#39;s anywhere in Pas to actually park a hire car if you did a %26#39;diy%26#39; job!

Have fun when you%26#39;re there!


Don%26#39;t sat that, I%26#39;m arriving by car tomorrow. Driving over the pyranees on the snowchains. I%26#39;ll swing by your hotel on monday night and look you up. I%26#39;ll recognise you by your corruptable wings, right?


Hrm....the t-shirt may be more of a give-away than the wings! Have a safe drive down and I%26#39;m sure parking will be fine!!


i might see you i am also off sunday!!! and also flying into gerona, what company you with? what hotel you staying in? is there a group of you going?


Snow conditions were fantastic! we had the best of both, bright sunny weather for the first four days and fresh new snow for the last two days. And it really did snow, it was at about meter when we left (a little too deep to board off the main piste- but it was fun!). Hope the conditions stay good and have fun!


cheers hazey glad to hear you had a great time, i will try and do the same as yourself whilst i am there!!!!


Hay everyone i%26#39;m going andorra on the 26th there%26#39;s ten of us going were staying in the lake placid hotels anyone now what there like? never been skiing before hopefully i%26#39;ll catch on quick any tips for first timers.

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